Why Do I Feel Like I’m Going Crazy

Author: Dr. Mark Dombeck, Ph.D. Last updated:
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I’m a 26 year old female who feels like I am going crazy. Sometimes I have so much anger in me for no reason. It lasts for days. Then sometimes I have so many good ideals about my future but I can never stick to my plans. Still at other times I can hardly do anything. I sometimes have panic attacks. I can’t take meds because I have convinced myself I am allergic to them all. I was molested when I was young. I have been a drug addict but have been clean five years. I have a good husband. He must really love me given some of the stuff he deals with. I day dream about all of the bad things that could happen such as my husband cheating, my kids and him dying in a car wreck. I have been through every imaginable bad thing that could happen. I have a really high IQ, but sometimes I feel so stupid I can’t even spell, yet at other times I amaze myself. I know you can’t diagnose me, but could you give me something it could possibly be? I am not suicidal (I forgot to add that). Also I am hypochondriac. I feel my body does weird stuff such as heart attacks ,tingling, pain, but when I go to the Dr. they can’t find anything. Also when they give me antibiotics I won’t take them. I also want sex all the time. If my husband doesn’t want it I feel like he doesn’t love me. Please help!!!!!!!

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From what you talk about here it is extremely unlikely that there is only one thing going on – and it would be irresponsible for me to suggest that I knew what was happening for you when I don’t. I can only say that you will need to see a qualified mental health doctor for an accurate diagnosis – AND – that you’ll need to follow through on treatment recommendations (including medicines and psychotherapy) if you are to maximize your chances for recovery. It sounds like you have a very chaotic and emotionally hungry life that makes you uncomfortable much of the time. You need support and stability and something safe that can help to sooth you when you are upset. Individual or group psychotherapy, AA or NA meetings, regular exercise, a yoga class, or regular practice of relaxation routines would all be good things to consider. There is also a form of psychotherapy that might be useful called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (or DBT) – which is specifically designed to help people with mood swings and emotional difficulties to learn how to self-sooth.

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