Cocaine Addiction And Mental Health Problems

What is a Dual Diagnosis?
To have a dual diagnosis means that a person has been evaluated by a professional, and determined be suffering from both a substance use disorder and some other mental health condition. Struggling with two disorders at the same time can be complicated, often leading to:
- More extreme symptoms.
- Difficulty sticking to a treatment or medicine schedule.
- Poor social adjustment.
- Impaired decision making.
- Dysfunctional thought processes.
Cocaine abuse can have a profound effect on a person’s mental health. Mental illness and cocaine addiction frequently co-occur, and this dual diagnosis can influence treatment engagement and outcomes—especially if not recognized and treated accordingly.
It is vital that a person struggling with cocaine abuse and other mental health issues seek professional help as soon as possible.
Cocaine Addiction and the Brain
Cocaine’s effects on the brain are a direct result of its action within the brain. Cocaine works by affecting a brain communication chemical called dopamine, which is involved with neural processes that control movement, pleasure and reward.
With long-standing exposure to cocaine – as may occur in cases of abuse and addiction – brain damage can extend beyond the reward pathways and into the areas of the brain responsible for processing emotions, memory, and new information.
Many mental illnesses involve imbalances in the brain’s dopamine system—particularly depression and schizophrenia. When cocaine abuse messes with this important dopamine system, it can impact the course of an individual’s mental disorder by potentially causing it or making it worse.
Emotional Blunting
Cocaine addiction can lead to reduced brain activity in regions related to emotional processing and error awareness. People addicted to cocaine also show problems in social interactions, placing value on their own gains when interacting with other people and less concern about how their behaviors affect both themselves and those around them.
Cocaine-dependent people have exhibited blunted emotions and egocentrism, and their risk of having an anti-social personality disorder is 22 times that of non-users.
This impaired emotional/social processing and reduced error recognition can be thought of as a problem with self-awareness, and it is present in a number of other psychological disorders.
Adequate social skills can have a major impact on the development and outcome of mental disorders as well as stimulant use disorders, so this cocaine-induced impairment presents a particular challenge to this type of dual diagnosis treatment.
Cocaine and ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder characterized by difficulty staying focused, behavioral control problems and hyperactivity.
Dopamine deficiency is believed to be involved in the development of ADHD. This means that both ADHD and cocaine addiction may involve the brain’s real or perceived deficit of dopamine. Theoretically, the abuse of cocaine among people diagnosed with ADHD may be a form of self-medication to relieve ADHD symptoms.
- Studies on extended-release formulations (where the effect of the medication is experienced over a period of time) are well-tolerated and have shown significant reductions in cocaine use.
- In one randomized control trial, extended-release mixed amphetamine salts taken with cognitive behavioral therapy sessions was shown to be effective in treating cocaine dependence and reducing ADHD symptoms.
It is important to note that the research is still in early stages and some treatments are not FDA approved yet.
Cocaine Addiction and Depression
Lifetime prevalence rates of depression among people seeking treatment for cocaine abuse range between 25% and 61%. People who are coping with depression may even experience more intense euphoria when using cocaine as well as more intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms compared to non-depressed users when they do not use.
All of these factors may contribute to an even more severe cocaine dependency among depressed users. Furthermore, depression is known to have certain effects that may subsequently complicate recovery from cocaine addiction:
- Decreased energy.
- Persistent negative thoughts.
- Impaired thinking.
- Feelings of hopelessness.
- Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies.
- Restlessness.
- Difficulty sleeping.
Studies indicate that the antidepressant medications prescribed will work best if they possess a similar, activating effect profile as cocaine—depressed abusers should not be prescribed sedating medications, as it may exacerbate the underlying mood disorder. Desipramine and buproprion are more stimulating antidepressant medications that may work best for recovering cocaine users.
Two effective therapeutic modalities employed to treat a dual diagnosis of cocaine abuse and depression include cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is utilized with the hopes of altering the mindset of the addicted individual, and curtailing maladaptive drug use behavior in response to stressors and other precipitating life events. Motivational interviewing uses positive incentives to promote change.
Cocaine-Induced Psychosis
Long-term cocaine abuse can elicit temporary psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and paranoia. This is known as cocaine-induced psychosis, and it can be difficult to distinguish from schizophrenia.
- Both the amount of cocaine used and earlier onset of first use are correlated with the development of cocaine-induced psychosis, though strangely the total number of years using is not related.
Bipolar Disorder
Cocaine dependence among people with bipolar disorder has lifetime prevalence rates from 15% to 39%. The impact of substance use on bipolar disorder is overwhelmingly negative, with more hospitalizations, more aggression, and less adherence to medications.
- Poor decision-making skills.
- Impulsivity.
- Deficits in attention.
- Problems planning ahead.
- Poor cognitive functioning.
While medications may not be of huge help in those with cocaine addictions alone, there is promising evidence that they may benefit those struggling with a dual diagnosis. Bipolar patients must take medication in order to manage their disorder—care must be taken so that any other medication taken to manage cocaine cravings and/or withdrawal cannot react with bipolar medications.
In addition to medication management, therapy continues to be an important part of dual diagnosis recovery.
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Further Reading
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